More Than Carpets
May 7, 2020
Caring for Upholstery
September 2, 2020Nothing compares to the blissful scent of fresh air inside the home. Not only does clean air impart a sense of well-being in home dwellers, but it’s healthy too. Many substances in our living environments give off aromas, from new furniture to cooking smells. Unfortunately, odours can affect some people adversely, causing them to experience headaches or nausea. Other odours can be toxic and cause harm to our health.
So, what is the best way to deal with odours in the home?
Luckily, there are numerous methods to make offensive aromas go away. Depending on the cause and personal preferences, everyone can rid themselves of unpleasant smells.
Most of us are aware that keeping a box of plain, inexpensive baking soda in the refrigerator neutralizes bad odours. In addition, sprinkling it into the trash also works wonders.
A liberal dusting of baking soda on carpets, rugs, and upholstery (including vehicle interiors) is also a boon. Leave for several hours and simply vacuum away for instant freshness.
Both fresh and leftover coffee grounds effectively eliminate nasty smells inside a refrigerator, cupboard, or microwave. Coffee is also beneficial when placed inside a vehicle or trunk. Simply place grounds in a covered plastic container with holes punched in the lid.
Extracted from flowers, grasses, fruits, leaves, and trees, pure essential oils are a natural way to instill harmony inside the home. Moreover, several types of essential oils have been clinically proven to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi to keep homes healthy. Cinnamon and tea tree oil are great options.
A few essential oils that make great additions to vinegar and water cleaning solutions include lemon, orange, and lavender. A trendy method of incorporating the fragrances into every room of the home is to invest in a few atomizers, available in stores virtually everywhere.
Stale indoor air can make us feel lethargic and claustrophobic. Opening up the windows and letting fresh air flow inside the home naturally blows away musty odours.
Vinegar has always been a brilliant and affordable cleaning agent. Place one-part vinegar to two parts water in a microwave safe container. Heat for a few minutes or to boiling and remove. Let cool; wipe down is quick and easy and eliminates stinky food odours.
Another handy trick is to place a half a cup of vinegar and 4 cups of water in a pan. Simmer on the stove for a few minutes to triumph over the smell of burnt food lingering in the kitchen.
Pet urine or vomit can be a nightmare, but vinegar also comes to the rescue. The area should first be blotted with a towel, then sprayed with one-part vinegar and 3 parts cold water. Blot, then repeat several times until the stench disappears.
Slice up a fresh lemon and squeeze some of the juice down kitchen and bathroom drains. Place remaining slices around the home to rejuvenate the air.
In the case of mold, it isn’t recommended to use bleach. Depend on a professional to safely remove unpleasant mold and mildew problems.
Our olfactory system is one of the key ways we experience the environment around us. Horrid smells can alert us to potential dangers such as harmful molds and decay.
Avoid using sprays and scented candles that can cause allergies and contain harmful toxins. We can keep our environment uplifted and fresh by employing several of these options.
No matter what type of odour you’re trying to eliminate, there is a happy and healthy solution. Premier Carpet experts can assist with odours you can’t deal with on your own. With over 15 years of experience in the carpet and upholstery cleaning business, we’ll help make your home smell amazing and lift everyone’s spirits.